General Pest & Weeds

Treating all types of general pests with a responsible attitude towards the customer, both economically and environmentally.
Ants: Brown, Black, Sugar and Argentine ants cause unsightly damage to concrete and paving. Sting-bite, ants are a nuisance in kitchens and wet areas where food and moisture is available.
Bees: One of man’s best friends, we depend on their survival. As well as having a painful sting, they can cause ventilation problems in cavity walls. We recommend that for large colonies a bee handler should be contacted. We also give advice on bee proofing your home.
Carpet Beetle: Causes extensive damage to carpets, curtains, rugs, clothing and most other household fabrics. Only the larvae stage is destructive to materials.
Cockroaches: German, American, Australian and Smoky Brown – exploiting our own habitat. Cockroaches spread disease, stain (faeces) walls and cupboards and are found anywhere that there is food and moisture present.
Fleas: Cause irritants and itching. Where one is encountered there will be many more hidden from view.
Meal Moth & Weevils: Contaminate and destroy dried stored food products. Air-tight storage and stock rotation prevents infestation.
Millipedes: Portuguese are the most common to the south west depending on the level of dampness. They are attracted to light coloured concrete, walls and carpets and produce a fluid that causes unwanted staining.
Rats & Mice: Rapid breeder’s who spread disease and illness by contaminating food products. They chew through electrical wiring and cables which can cause fires and destruction.Silverfish:A primitive insect, the silverfish feeds on starchy glues. Harbouring in relatively undisturbed areas such as roof voids, storage –cardboard boxes, magazines, newspaper & clothing all which are starch materials. They also leave unsightly skin casings in bed linen and cupboards.
Spiders: Redback, Whitetail, Common Garden and House spiders. A lot of us have a common fear and dislike of spiders. Some species of spiders can be potentially harmful and in some cases fatal.
Wasps: Paper and European. Stinging more than once, they can afflict major pain – especially if the nest is disturbed. As with bees, their sting can be fatal to those who are allergic.
Weeds: Weeds are not only a nuisance and unsightly, but they also restrict moisture and surface area
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